Ingeus' values are a fundamental part of who we are

Take pride, do the right thing, believe in everyone, care and respect, own it

Our values are defined by our people to sum up the way we work. Whatever job we do, and whoever we serve, we always strive to live by these five values:

These values underpin everything we do at Ingeus, and are what set us apart from other organisations.

Our name and logo

The name Ingeus is derived from ‘human ingenuity’ and ‘ingenious’ – the qualities reflected in our people and those we help in order for them to build on their strengths and capabilities and reach optimal independence.

Our Ingeus logo tells the story of our name; of individuals, businesses, and communities realising their potential.

  • The larger square represents our clients, customers or the community.
  • The smaller square is where they want to be.
  • The gap in between represents the sometimes-invisible bridge that has to be crossed to get people from where they are to where they want to be.
  • The six dots represent the small steps or milestones required to bridge the gap, and the people who help in that journey. Those steps are unique for every person.
Take pride, do the right thing, believe in everyone, care and respect, own it