Jobs-Skills Integrators


  • Training courses targeted at the skills needs of your current workforce
  • Access to jobseekers equipped with the necessary skills, and who are committed to start a career in Precision Engineering
  • Pre-emptive careers advisory for your employees on career development opportunities within the company or the sector
  • A central touchpoint for referral to any of the above services
Businessman smiling happily, leaning against a desk in a corporate office
Man sitting on a bench in a shopping centre, hands on knees and relaxedly leaning back and laughing

Career Conversion Programmes (CCP)


Companies in Singapore can tap on CCPs to reskill mid-career new hires or workers with up to 90% salary and course fee support.

WSG offers close to 100 CCPs across around 30 sectors to support companies in reskilling mid-career individuals to make a successful career switch.

There are 3 modes of CCPs

  1. Place-and-Train – The mid-career individual is hired by a participating employer before undergoing a training to take on a new job role.
  2. Attach-and-Train – The mid-career individual is provided with training and work attachments, prior to job placement. This is done in partnership with industry partners in growth sectors with good future career opportunities.
  3. Redeployment / Job Redesign (JR) Reskilling – This is targeted at companies that are undergoing business transformation, and where their existing workers are at risk of redundancy or in vulnerable jobs due to the transformation. These workers will be provided with training to prepare them for new job roles or redesigned job roles within the same company.

Events Day

  • Our account manager will do a brief with the employer to understand the positions to be recruited
  • Account manager will create a slide deck basing on the discussion and submit to the employer for approval
  • The approved slide deck will be shared with all our coaches so that they can broadcast the positions to their current active clients
  • Interested resumes of clients will then be submitted to employer for shortlisting
  • Employer and shortlisted clients will attend the organised event for the sharing of the positions to be hired
  • A question and answer session will follow after the sharing for better clarity of the employment
  • Interview sessions for the clients will be held immediately after the sharing and Q&A session
  • A debrief between the employer, account manager and coaches will be done after all the interviews have been completed for the day
  • This event can be held in Ingeus’ or employer’s office
Businessman smiling happily, leaning against a desk in a corporate office